7 times beautiful hanging plants that are hardy


Most plants grow towards the light and real hanging plants therefore often come from tropical regions where the sun shines very exuberantly. These are especially suitable for the living room in a pot. Hardy outdoor hanging plants are usually versatile specimens that can also do well as a hanging plant. It is the strong plants in nature that can also excel in this area. Below you will find 7 examples of hardy hanging plants.

7 times our favorite hardy hanging plants
Preferences differ of course, but nevertheless we have listed our 7 favorite hardy hanging plants for you. There are many varieties per plant species, so we definitely recommend that you read further below about the specific types of hanging plants.

Featured: 7 times our favorite hardy hanging plant
Below we will further explain our favorite hardy hanging plants. Always keep in mind that these hanging plants can be ordered in different sizes. The larger the plant you order, the more expensive it will be.

1. Bacopa

The bacopa is in principle a ground cover, but also does well outdoors as a hardy hanging plant. In a basket or pot you can expect a waterfall of flowers from this plant that continues until October. A sunny spot in the garden is the most favorite, but with light shade it will also be fine.

Height: 20 centimeters
When to sow bacopa: spring
Flowering time: May to October
Latin name: Sutera Cordifolia
Plant type: ground cover/hanging plant
The bacopa is deciduous in winter, but cheerfully continues in the spring with what this plant is good at: flowering.

2. Virginia creeper

The Virginia creeper can grow up to 10 meters high as a climbing plant, but in a pot as a hanging plant it behaves a little less boisterously. The leaves turn bright red in the fall before falling off. The vine can tolerate frost to more than -30°C. However, protection in the winter is not unwise.

Height: 50 to 60 centimeters (in pot)
When to sow Virginia creeper: autumn
Flowering time: spring
Latin name: Parthenocissus
Plant type: creeper
The vine is suitable for a spot in the sun or partial shade.

3. Pea Plant

The pea plant is also called string of pearls because the small balls dangle from long stems. The flowers of the pea plant are unusual in shape and smell like cinnamon. Please note: you cannot eat the fruits of this pea plant, they are slightly poisonous, so it is important to be careful with children and pets.

Height: 1 meter
When to sow pea plant: autumn
Flowering time: spring
Latin name: Senecio Rowleyanus
Plant type: hanging plant
A pea plant is hardy, needs little care and is very decorative as a hanging plant.

4. Creeping Bell

The creeping bellflower is suitable as a ground cover for rock gardens, but also works very well as a hanging plant. The purple/blue flowers then hang down elegantly on racemes. The leaves are bright green and remain so all winter. Even at -35°C, this sturdy plant does not shrink.

Height: 15 centimeters
When to sow creeping bells: spring
Flowering time: June to September
Latin name: Campanula
Plant type: ground cover
A place in the shade is ideal for the creeping bellflower. For the exuberant growth a moderately richer soil is needed.

5. Forest rank

Clematis stands for tendrils and this climbing plant can grow quite high against a wall or other object. If you choose to let the plant hang, the growth will be less boisterous and the flowering will also be less exuberant. Nevertheless, these large-flowered plants are an asset to your garden. Clematis is deciduous in winter.

Height: 3 meters
When to sow clematis: spring
Flowering time: summer
Latin name: Clematis
Plant type: creeper
The clematis is most beautiful when the flowers are in full sun, but the roots have a cooler place. As a hanging plant you have to be a lover because the clematis requires a lot of attention.

6. Wisteria

The wisteria is a creeper that feels at home on a facade as a climbing plant. But it is also a nice addition to your garden as a hanging plant from a pergola. The flowering of the wisteria in the spring is so profuse that it seems like a fairy tale. The wisteria is not demanding, but pruning is necessary after flowering because otherwise the growth is just as exuberant.

Height: Maximum 10 meters
When to sow wisteria: autumn
Flowering time: early spring
Latin name: Wisteria
Plant type: creeper
There are also specimens with white and pink flowers for sale.

7. Ivy

Few plants are as versatile as the ivy, both as a climbing vine and as a ground cover they do very well. They are also decorative as hardy hanging plants because of the beautiful foliage they offer. The bloom is inconspicuous. You have to prune an ivy in time because this plant grows through trees and other climbing supports

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