No big garden? Opt for a compact hedge


If you have a small garden, you may quickly tend to think that you are limited in your options. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even gardens that are not that big can be decorated in a beautiful way. You can even adjust your fence to this without having to make any concessions to the appearance of your garden.

Possibilities to set up a small garden
The mindset when designing a small garden is slightly different from other gardens. When designing a small space, it is important to think in terms of possibilities and not impossibilities. With regard to the garden layout, it is important not to look for the space horizontally, but rather vertically. In practice, this means that the garden can be arranged in a beautiful way if you work with differences in height. By working with height differences, you can remove the (often) cluttered appearance of the small surface area. In addition, this gives the garden a playful and surprising character.

Suitable fencing if you don’t have a large garden
Of course, it will not be difficult to find a suitable boundary fence if you do not have a large garden. Are you interested in a hedge as a boundary fence? Then you have plenty of options. It is then desirable to use a narrow and compact evergreen hedge that you can manually maintain at the desired height by pruning. The choice for a wide hedge is often undesirable because this type of hedge makes your garden look much smaller because it takes up a lot of space. In most cases, when designing a small garden, an evergreen hedge is chosen, since it remains closed and green in winter. The appearance of your garden will not diminish during the winter months.

Suggestions for beautiful compact hedges
Of course we can make various suggestions for beautiful compact hedges. We would therefore like to bring to your attention the tree of life Martin (Thuja plicata Martin), the Portuguese laurel (Prunus lusitanica Angustifolia) and the laurel genolia (Prunus laurocerasus Genolia). If you are looking for a little more contrast, the Blue Californian Cypress (Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana Columnaris) and the Yellow Californian Cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Ivonne) are certainly suitable. Last but not least, the Taxus Baccata is certainly worth mentioning. This is an ideal hedge plant that branches well and is easy to prune. With this hardy yew ‘Baccata’ you can enjoy shelter and privacy all year round. The hedge plant has a low maintenance requirement and can develop in both a shady and a sunny spot.

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