Why choose artificial grass?

A garden is a valuable asset. What could be more pleasant than relaxing in your own garden on a beautiful summer day? Enjoying the weather outside and the tranquility that a garden always exudes. A Dutch garden always includes a lawn. That can be used as a kind of green terrace or as a play area for children or pets. But a lawn requires a lot of maintenance and doesn’t always look great, especially in the fall and winter. Then having artificial grass installed is often a solution. The modern artificial grass has a number of advantages as mentioned below.

1. Similar to real grass
You can buy modern artificial grass in various types. You may have seen a grass field in your area with a fantasy color such as purple or red. If you are less adventurous in that regard, you can go for a lawn that is actually indistinguishable from normal grass, except perhaps in winter when your artificial grass is still in great shape.

2. No more mud in the house
If you have a family, you know what it’s like in the summer. As soon as it is dry for a while, children and pets want to go outside on the grass again. That results in a lot of laundry and mud tracks in the house. A well-laid artificial grass lawn does not have that problem. When laying, attention must be paid to drainage and then a field of artificial grass dries very quickly and there is no mud that can cause stains.

3. Minimal Maintenance
An artificial grass lawn is low maintenance. In general, you only need to sweep every now and then to remove material that has ended up on it. Especially in the fall, a number of leaves will also end up on your lawn during a heavy storm. Furthermore, you hardly have to worry about your grass and that saves a lot of costs and effort. No more fertilizing or overseeding. And the most important advantage is of course that there is no need to mow anymore. The lawnmower can be sold.

4. Artificial grass is an investment
The modern artificial grass lasts for many years and does not discolour due to ultraviolet light. If you choose artificial grass, you know that you will enjoy it for a long time. The grass remains beautiful and that means an advantage if you want to sell the house in the long term. But first and foremost you want to enjoy it yourself.

5. Significantly less hay fever
Does anyone in your family suffer from hay fever? Then an artificial grass pitch will often be a great relief. Grass pollen is in many cases the trigger for hay fever attacks and grass also produces a large amount of pollen. A good reason to choose artificial grass.

6. Artificial grass is strong
If you put a garden set or playground equipment on grass, there is a chance that you will damage the grass considerably, especially if it is wet. A summer rain shower is simply not uncommon in our country. Artificial grass is stronger and you have no problems with it, so you have more applications.

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